Saturday, March 28, 2015

Chevron Baby Quilt

A while back I made this quilt. It features a chevron pattern made of rectangles instead of triangles. Here is the link to the amazing quilter's website that features the full step by step instructions. I have never made a quilt this way until I met her, and now I will never be able to make a quilt without using her knowledge again. So many "why didn't I think of that" moments when I was reading and following her tutorial. I hope you gain as much from her, even if you don't make the quilt, as I did.
Note: Her tutorial calls for baste, quilt, bind and wash. I chose a different backing since its for a baby. I picked a really soft, cushy fabric for my backing, sewing the back and top together with right sides then flipping it inside out and hand stitching the opening closed. I would have top stitched, and tried to, but the cushy fabric proved too much for my current settings on my sewing machine, and I am not advanced enough to figure out the solution. So I settled for hand stitching the opening closed.
For the record: This fabric is so soft and I love it, but I will probably never work with it again, unless I can find a tutorial that helps explain how to correctly and efficiently handle this bulky fabric. 

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